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UNPLUGGED BY NECESSITY: You Need to Put Yourself in Time Out

Updated: Oct 8, 2018

Since starting this blog several months ago, last week was the first time I decided not to post an entry. It wasn’t an oversight. I simply decided to unplug for the week. I spent 7 days at a 5-star report in Punta Cana with my mobile phone on Airplane mode, after calling my sister back home to inform her that I had arrived safely. I told her to email me in case of emergency as I will use the resort wi-fi to check my emails once a day. It was actually 3 days before checking my email because I honestly did not think about it!

My way of unplugging is to get away and engage in mindless pursuits. This particular retreat included daily visits to the gym without the usual dread, Biblical crossword puzzles, walks along the beach as the cool waves dashed over my feet, de-stress massage, invigorating jacuzzi, food, food and more food, blue lagoon drinks, shopping, nightly entertainment, occasional nap, TVland (instead of the constant Brett Kavanaugh diatribe on the news outlets), sitting on my patio enjoying the breath taking views of palm trees, landscaping, turtles, peacocks… and no excursions.

I returned home last night safe and sound. I needed this time out to unplug from familiar people, places and things. As I write this post today I am physically and psychologically refreshed, renewed and re-invigorated.

When I speak of unplugging I’m not referring to work-life balance, which is also important. I mean voluntarily putting yourself in time out by literally unplugging for days to de-tox from the daily constants that surround you. The purpose is to relieve the mind and body of social cares, self-imposed stress and daily structure. We all need it for internal and external heath!

How one chooses to unplug is situational, depending upon one’s responsibilities. As a single person, not accountable to children or a husband, the manner in which I unplug might be different from another person who has a family. Unplugging for the latter might include your spouse and/or children, or making arrangements on which you all can agree. As long as the goal is to resume life physically and psychologically charged.

Now, it’s your turn to unplug! My challenge this week, if you haven’t already done so, is to schedule a time out before the end of the year. It might be one long day, a week or somewhere in between. That’s for you to decide.

I’m serious about this! What is your spirit longing to do, be and go?

Step 1 – Check your budget Step 2 – Decide on the place and time Step 3 – Schedule your timeout retreat Step 4 – Plan your activities Step 5 – Relax and enjoy

You’d be surprised how much your quality of life will improve if you would just take some time to periodically, intentionally unplug. It’s necessary for your overall well-being. That I know for sure!

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